This month, we are organizing another series workshops on ocean data management. Compared to the workshops held in June, these workshops will take a more practical approach, giving participants the opportunity to dive into the various aspects of the data (management) life cycle through a number of guided hands-on sessions. The workshops are specifically aimed at students, postdocs, early career researchers, and data librarians, as we are hoping to enthuse the next generation of ocean researchers and managers about data management best practices. Space is limited, so please register early using the links below.

Webinar 5: September 15, 2020 – Lecture series and panel

Webinar 6: September 17, 2020 – Describing your data

Webinar 7: September 22, 2020 – Writing a data management plan

Webinar 8: September 24, 2020 – Cleaning dirty data

Categories: News
