La gestion de (méta)données comprend des activités et des processus permettant de mieux gérer les (méta)données à chaque étape de leur cycle de vie en tant qu'atouts institutionnels ou organisationnels. MERIDIAN adhère aux principes de FAIR - œuvrant pour des (méta)données Trouvables, Accessibles, Interopérables et Réutilisables - dans nos projets de gestion des données et nos meilleures pratiques.
There are several aspects to our work in this area: We are developing metadata standards for underwater acoustic and vessel tracking data to provide best practices for researchers in the field. We have implemented the MERIDIAN Portail de découverte where researchers can locate available discipline-specific data from Canadian sources, and an interactive metadata submission form that supports individual researchers and small-scale groups to describe their own data so others can find it. Along similar veins, we have also built FishSounds, a portal where marine bioacousticians can find information about all the fish species known to make sounds. We also facilitate access to a rich set of satellite vessel-tracking data (S-AIS) for researchers to use. Finally, we are also engaged in the CetaSound project and are contributing to the CIOOS/SIOOC Metadata Working Group.
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